Our Mission
Discover the changes that occur in the brain in patients with neuropsychiatric diseases so that we can identify better therapeutic treatments.
Our Approach
Using validated preclinical models, we study the functional mechanisms causing abnormal responses to rewarding stimuli (anhedonia, a cardinal symptom of human depression) or impaired cognition and how they are restored by novel therapeutics.
Current Research Areas
The biological basis of depression
Major depressive disorder is one of the most common and costly of neuropsychiatric syndromes, with a lifetime prevalence of 7-12% in men and 20-25% in women and a multi-billion dollar annual economic burden in the US. The most tragic consequence of untreated depression is suicide, attempted by as many as 8% of severely depressed patients. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half a million patients receive emergency care for suicide attempts each year in the United States, and over 38,000 individuals die by intentional self-inflicted injuries - twice as many lives as are lost to homicide.
Stressful life events are a key environmental risk factor for depressive disorders. Our laboratory uses chronic stress to produce changes in the behavior of rats and mice that are analogous to the behavioral symptoms of human depression, such as anhedonia (the inability to derive pleasure from things that should be pleasurable). We can then analyze brain tissue taken from animals whose behavior was affected by stress and use electrophysiological, biochemical, and molecular assays to identify the underlying pathological changes.

This work has led us to formulate an Excitatory Synapse Hypothesis of Depression
- Major depression is caused by a weakening of specific subsets of excitatory synapses in multiple brain regions that are critical in the determination of effect and reward. Chronic hyperactivity of the HPA axis in response to excessive stress is one potential mediator of these changes.
- Many of the characteristic changes in behavior that define the symptomatology of human depression, such as anhedonia and depressed mood, result because impaired excitatory synaptic transmission leads to reduced activity in the cortico-mesolimbic reward circuitry.
- Restoration of excitatory synaptic strength is the critical action of effective antidepressants, including both conventional agents, such as SSRIs and ECT, and newer compounds, such as ketamine and psychedelics.
Current active projects include 1) manipulation of glutamatergic synaptic function in the PFC, hippocampus, and nucleus accumbens to determine whether altered excitation is sufficient and necessary for the behavioral consequences of chronic stress and the actions of novel and classical antidepressants, as predicted by the excitatory synapse hypothesis and 2) in vivo fluorescent monitoring of dopamine release in the forebrain to test the hypothesis that it is regulated by excitatory synaptic strength and restored by antidepressants.
Key Publications
Psychedelics and serotonergic mechanisms of antidepressant action.
Antidepressant medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs, raise serotonin concentrations in the brain. SSRIs are fully effective in only half of depressed patients, however. In addition, the 3-8 week latency to achieve a therapeutic effect complicates the optimization of medication and delays symptomatic relief. Better, faster-acting therapeutic approaches are clearly needed.
Building on our evidence that excitatory synapses are weakened in reward circuits after stress, my lab discovered that endogenous serotonin selectively potentiates some, but not all, excitatory synapses in CA1 pyramidal cells via activation of 5-HT1BRs. We found that this potentiation is expressed postsynaptically by AMPA-type glutamate receptors and requires calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation of GluA1 subunits (Cai et al., 2013). We also showed that SSRIs restore the strength of hippocampal synapses in chronically stressed animals due to increased AMPAR expression (Kallarackal et al., 2013).

This work has led us to an examination of the receptor pharmacology underlying the antidepressant actions of psychedelics. We hypothesize that they share many of the same synapse-restoring mechanisms as SSRIs, only with a faster mechanism of action. Our recent work has provided the first evidence that 1) psychedelics exert a rapid anti-anhedonic action in chronically stressed mice, 2) that restoration of reward behavior is accompanied by restoration of synaptic strength, consistent with the excitatory synapse hypothesis, and 3) that both the behavioral and synaptic actions of psilocybin were independent of the serotonin 5HT2A receptors that underlie its psychedelic actions (Hesselgrave et al., 2021; Wulff et al., 2023). Our data thus suggest that the beneficial interactions of psychedelics may be independent of their mind-altering properties, potentially increasing their utility and decreasing the costs of psychedelic therapy. Several patents around this approach have been licensed for commercial development.
Current active projects include 1) comparison of classic psychedelics with so-called non-psychedelic psychedelics, 2) better understanding of receptor pharmacology underlying the antidepressant actions of psychedelics, and 3) identification of the second messenger signaling processes underlying the synaptic actions of psychedelics.
Key Publications
Discovering new antidepressant drugs
Our evidence that restoration of synaptic strength is a property shared by all known antidepressants led us to the discovery of two novel classes of rapidly acting antidepressant compounds: negative allosteric modulators of GABAARs containing α5 subunits (Fischell et al., 2015; Troppoli et al., 2022; Thompson, 2023) and metabolites of ketamine (Zanos et al., 2016). We have established that these two classes of compound converge on a common effector mechanism: namely, disinhibition (GABA-NAMs) or increased glutamate release (ketamine metabolites), leading to increased synchronous, oscillatory activity in the gamma frequency range and promotion of endogenous NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic strengthening processes (Zanos et al., 2023). Two patents on the use of GABA receptor modulators as rapid antidepressants have been issued and are licensed to the industry for commercial development.

Key Publications
Plasticity of the HPA axis
The regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is altered in several human psychiatric diseases. Evaluation of sensory cues in the forebrain is integrated into the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), where corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) neurons initiate signaling via the pituitary to stimulate corticosteroid secretion in the adrenal cortex, i.e., a stress response. The stress response is terminated, in part, due to negative feedback mediated upstream of the PVN. We showed that one pathway for feedback inhibition originates in the hippocampus and is relayed to the PVN by inhibitory neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) (Cole et al., 2022). The Bale lab has established that several forms of early life stress can lead to delayed changes in HPA axis reactivity, perhaps contributing to increased susceptibility to psychiatric disease.
Current active projects include 1) use of fiber photometry to monitor the activity of PVN CRF neurons in response to aversive stimuli and 2) electrophysiological analyses of plastic changes in the strength of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs onto CRF cells in mice subjected to early life trauma.